Newton's Method for nth root, as an integer arithmetic for Computers

 The actual values of my previous post are truly astronomical, and when I reviewed my python3 implementation, I found I re-invented the wheel differently on paper. Here is my python3 code, with comments: It is slightly more conservative with actual values.

By experiment, it gives very good square roots for 3 - 8, at 4 iterations

############## main program ###############################


# This script attempts to calculate the nth root of k



k = int(input("Enter the number we are taking the root of: "))

n = int(input("Enter the power of the root: "))

i = int(input("How many iterations would you like to try? "))

a = k

b = n



#   The formula for the Convergence Method is: x_k+1 = x_k - {[x_k^n]- K

#                                                             n[x_k]^n-1}

#   This is also represented as


#         [n-1/n (x_k)]+ [K/n * (1/x_k^n-1)]


#   Doing algebra and representing x_k as a/b, I got:


#    n-1     a      +     K     b^n-1

#   ----- * ---          --- * -------

#     n      b            n     a^n-1


#   Simplifying, this works out to:


#    (n-1) * (a) (a)^n-1  +  K * b * b^n-1

#   ---------------------------------------

#                 n * b * a^n-1


#     multiplying the a's and the b's, this results in three terms:


# (n-1) * (a)^n   +   K * (b)^n

# ------------------------------ (be careful not to square the n in the denominator)

#         n * b * a^n-1       


# Now I was able to recursively iterate with integer values. Compute each value

# first, before iterating, or a will influence b adversely


count = 0


    x = ((n-1)*(a**n))+(k*(b**n))

    y = (n*b)*(a**(n-1))

    a = x

    b = y

# The math.gcd(a,b) function computes the largest number that divides both a and b

# If there is are common factors, gcd(a,b) figures out their product

    x = math.gcd(a,b)


        a = a // x

        b = b // x

# Divide both a and b by greatest common denominator



print("x = " + str(a) + " // " + str(b))
print("To evaluate the result: ")
# Another way to compute nth root.
x = math.log10(k)
p = x/n
p = 10**p
print("The answer is likely very close to " + str(p))


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