A Question About Erasthmus' Sieve
Students of Mathematics are familiar with Erasthmus' Sieve.
2 x
3 x
4 x
5 x
6 x x
8 x
9 x
10 x x
12 x x
14 x
15 x x
16 x
18 x x
20 x x
21 x
22 x
First, we strike all multiples of 2 up to the square root (5.) Then all multiples of 3, then all multiples of 5, etc.
I wrote a digital implementation of the Sieve, and used the index creatively, to keep track of the multiples. To "strike" an integer, I set the value of the relevant array entry to 2.
In writing the code, I soon observed that as I asked the machine not to look at 2's, the first prime was an obstacle. To overcome this, I wrote a separate loop for 2's, and then began from three, only using the "strike array entry" function only on non-2 array entries.
This was very satisfactory, and I was able to develop a list of all primes < 2 ** 29, in 287 seconds on my overclocked Core i5 9600 computer.
In bragging to a friend, I attempted to reduce the size of my code, and mistakenly took out the loop that struck 2's. This should have resulted in chaos, but the algorithm picked up 4 as a non-2, and struck every fourth entry. This removed all multiples of 2 that were not multiples of another prime, and I accidentally improved the efficiency of my code - not only did it not do a separate 2 loop, but when it ran the required loop, it took steps by 4, reducing the number of iterations by half.
I didn't even notice, at first, because on the output loop, I output 2 literal, and began at 3, only outputting odd-indexed array entries, so the 4 was never officially output as a "prime."
But I was only a fool for a day. I soon inspected the entire list, (on a small number {101},) observed the 4, and was able to account for it.
This reduced the runtime to develop a list of primes < 2 ** 29, down to 204 seconds.
Troubled by memory constraints, I proceeded with a bit of a mad-cap experiment. I built a list as follows, using only odd integers, with grim determination to use integer division and off-sets to account for the disagreement between indexing and array contents. I began working it out on paper, with the following results:
Index | Array contents:
00 | 3 | x |
01 | 5 | | x |
02 | 7 | | | x |
03 | 9 | x |
04 | 11 |
05 | 13 |
06 | 15 | x | x |
07 | 17 |
08 | 19 |
09 | 21 | x | | x |
10 | 23 |
11 | 25 | | x |
12 | 27 | x |
13 | 29 |
14 | 31 |
15 | 33 | x |
16 | 35 | | x | x |
17 | 37 |
18 | 39 | x |
19 | 41 |
20 | 43 |
21 | 45 | x | x |
22 | 47 |
23 | 49 | | x |
24 | 51 | x |
25 | 53 |
26 | 55 | | x |
27 | 57 | x |
28 | 59 |
29 | 61 |
30 | 63 | x | | x |
31 | 65 | | x |
32 | 67 |
33 | 69 | x |
34 | 71 |
35 | 73 |
36 | 75 | x | x |
37 | 77 | | | x |
38 | 79 |
39 | 81 | x |
40 | 83 |
41 | 85 | | x |
42 | 87 | x |
43 | 89 |
44 | 91 | | | x |
45 | 93 | x |
46 | 95 | | x |
47 | 97 |
48 | 99 | x |
49 | 101 |
To my great surprise, the contents of the array were exactly multiples of the original offset. That is to say, I was blindly accepting the array index value as a variable, and incrementing by the contents of the array, and the resulting index content was a multiple of the integer!
Is this still Erasthmus' Sieve?
I had great success with the python3 program, and proceeded to develop a list of all primes < 2 ** 30, using 21.8 GB of RAM (within my 32GB limit,) and requiring a runtime of 361 seconds!
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