Modified Erasthmus's Sieve Demo
I wrote before, asking if the modification on Erasthmus's Sieve I discovered was still Erasthmus's Sieve. I am convinced it is not the Sieve of Erastosthenes, since the odd numberline is not a geometric progression. I allude to it as a Modified Erasthmus's Sieve, while open to correction. Earlier I demonstrated n < 100. Although it took me a long time to present the current entry, I did understand that n < 100 was not sufficient. Below I present a clearer picture of how it develops, using n<=361, or 19^2. I don't know enough Number Theory to offer Proof. In the first slide, I enumerate 2 literal, and develop the odd number line up to 361. I then start with 3 as the next unstruck number, and blindly strike by 3s. The result leaves NO MULTIPLES OF 3 UNSTRUCK. In the second slide, I start with the next unstruck number (5) and blindly strike by that number. The result leaves NO MULTIPLES OF 5 UNSTRUCK. By observation of experiment, multiples of 3 x 5 (15) are doub...